The Muslim Link Newspaper

Even though we live in Connecticut my husband regularly reads and saves your paper. He thinks it is important to know what is going on with Muslims in the nation's capital. -- Wife of an advertiser.

Brother, let me just shake your hand and tell you how proud I am of this paper. I read this paper regularly and I wish that this paper had started 20 years ago. This paper can bring our Muslim communities together. -- A Reader from Darul Hijra, personally thanking a Muslim Link Distributor 


The Muslim Link is a monthly print and online newspaper distributed throughout the greater Washington and Baltimore Metropolitan region. It was established in November 1998 as a project of Al-Huda School girls and has since grown to become the premier source for information about the Muslim Community in MD, DC, and VA. With full-time staff and several community correspondents, the Muslim Link covers issues and events relevant to Muslims in the local area as well as on the national scene. The newspaper won awards for their reporting on Immigration and International Affairs from New America Media in 2009, and won first-place awards for Best Local News Coverage and Best Coverage from New America Media in 2011. In 2013, the Maryland chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) awarded the "Excellence In Media" award to the Muslim Link.

With a circulation of about 6,000 print copies per month, the Muslim Link is available at every masjid (mosque) in the region, as well as scores of groceries and restaurants.


Our website is updated during the week with new stories, and our Facebook page is continually updated throughout the week. Our weekly e-newsletter is sent to about 5,000 Muslims, most of whom live in the local region.


Editor-in-Chief :
Minhaj Hasan


Advertising & Office:
Stephanie Benmoha


The views expressed in The Muslim Link do not necessarily reflect those of Dar-us-Salaam or TML management or their underwriters. Dar-us-Salaam and TML are not responsible for the accuracy of information presented by advertisers, or for the religious compliance of events published in TML.